Name of The Club

The Club shall be know as “Sutton Park Golf Club at The Lodge”. Primarily there will only be a men's section but in the future it may be possible to have both a Ladies and Junior section.
Eligible for Membership

Any Gentleman shall be eligible for golf membership. No person other than a fully paid up golf member shall be entitled to play in official club competitions.

The object of the Club shall be usually appertaining to a Golf Club, to employ funds of the Club in such a manner as shall be deemed necessary for the best interests of the Club, and its members in full accord with the spirit, traditions and etiquette of Golf as laid down in the rules of the Royal and Ancient Golf Club.
The Members of the club shall be subject to such rules and regulations laid down by the Local Authority as owners of the Course and such local rules as shall be made by the Club.

The Lord Mayor of Kingston Upon Hull subject his consent shall be the President of the Club.
Executive Committee

The Governing body of the Club which will consist of the Captain, Vice Captain, Club Secretary, Assistant Secretary, the Immediate Past Captain (who shall be co-opted for one year) and a Representative from the Seniors, shall be responsible for the management of the Club and its funds, and shall have the power to employ any person or persons to assist them in the management of the club and fix their remunerations (if any).
All officials shall be elected annually by the members at the Annual General Meeting of Members.
Click Here For Terms of Office
Terms of Office
Secretary / Manager — 3 Years Minimum
Assistant Secretary — 1 Year
Vice Captain — 1 Year
Captain — 1 Year
Immediate Past Capatain — 1 Year
Seniors Representative — 1 Year
Members Representative — 1 Year
No person shall be eligible for election as a Member of the Executive Committee unless a nomination duly proposed by and seconded by Members of the Club is received by the Secretary in writing seven days before the Annual General Meeting.
Retiring members of the Committee shall be eligible for re-election. Casual vacancies occurring from time to time may be filled by the Committee.
Terms of Office

Secretary / Manager — 3 Years Minimum
Assistant Secretary — 1 Year
Vice Captain — 1 Year
Captain — 1 Year
Immediate Past Capatain — 1 Year
Seniors Representative — 1 Year
Members Representative — 1 Year
No person shall be eligible for election as a Member of the Executive Committee unless a nomination duly proposed by and seconded by Members of the Club is received by the Secretary in writing seven days before the Annual General Meeting.
Retiring members of the Committee shall be eligible for re-election. Casual vacancies occurring from time to time may be filled by the Committee.
Annual Subscriptions

The amount of annual subscriptions shall be reviewed annually and any increase will be fixed at the Annual General Meeting.
Annual subscriptions will be due in full on March 1st each year, any members in arrears at that time will be deleted from the List of Members.
New Members

The name of any person put forward for Membership must forwarded to the Secretary together with the Annual Subscription.
Rejection & Expulsion

The Executive Committee shall have the power to expel any Member or refuse to renew Membership, or reject any Candidate for membership, who in their opinion is not a fit and proper person to be a Member of the Club. Such rejection must not be on the grounds of Race or Religion.

The Committee shall have the power to take disciplinary action against any Member who offends against the Rules of Golf or the Rules of the Club House (The Lodge) or whose behaviour warrants such action. Such action will vary according to the offence up to and including suspension or expulsion from membership. The Club Disciplinary Procedure will be followed in all cases.
A Member so disciplined has the right of appeal, in the case of a Club Rule, to the Club Committee set up for this purpose and in the case of a Rule of Golf to the Yorkshire Union and then to the English Golf Union. Any Member expelled from the Lodge by the Management for serious bad behaviour may be suspended until such a time as an Executive Meeting is convened to consider what further action is deemed necessary.
Duties of Officers

The Captain shall preside at all Executive Meetings and at all General Meetings of the Club.
The Vice-Captain shall deputise in the absence of the Captain.
The Secretary / Managers duties shall include all of the following:-
— Responsible for all cash transactions in the general running of the Club and pay any monies as instructed by the Executive Committee.
— Organise all Competitions and control and maintain all Club Handicaps.
— Collect all subscriptions and issue receipts for all monies collected, and keep an up to date List of Members of the Club.
Annual General Meeting

An Annual General Meeting shall be held in January each year, 14 days notice shall be given when date is finalised.
This notice will be on all of the Clubs notice boards and on the Clubs Web Site. A copy of the yearly accounts shall be available for each Member of the Club at the Annual General Meeting.
The Club Accounts shall be audited by the Club committee prior to this being issued.
The business of the Annual General Meeting shall be to consider the reports of the Committee and the Accounts, and to elect Officers and other Members of the Executive Committee, and to transact such business as may be transacted at an Ordinary General Meeting.
Any Member of the Club can raise any other issues regarding any issues that may fall outside an Ordinary General Meeting may do so only in writing this must be sent to the Club Committee 7 days prior to the meeting.
36 Persons shall be a quorum for any General Meeting of the Members.
Extraordinary General Meeting

An Extraordinary General Meeting of the Members of the Club shall be convened by the Club Secretary when directed by the Members of the Executive Committee, or within 14 Days of a receipt of a requisition by at least 36 Members stating the object or objects for which the meeting is being called.
Notice of such a meeting shall be displayed on the Club Notice Boards and on the Clubs Web Site.
Rule Alterations

A motion of an amendment involving the alteration of the Rules of the Club, or on the enactment of a new rule or rules shall only be made at a General Meeting of the Members and the majority required for passing such motion amendments or enactment shall be two thirds of the members present i.e. minimum of 24.
Notice of Competitions

All requisite notices in relation to Club Competitions shall be on the Club's Notice Board and Web Site and as per the Sutton Park Golf Club Handbook and confirmed by the entry sheet in the Club's Locker Room on Competitions Days all Results will also be posted in the Locker Room.
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